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The 'Superhuman' for Web3 communities

ILUMA allows you to filter out the noise of Discord, giving DAOs & web3 community members the most important insights right at their fingertips.
Devcon Attendees - Install our bot for free!

ILUMA_Install Bot

Beyond Discord Chatter


Get the most important insights from the myriad of member conversations, discussions and activity happening in your community server. 

ILUMA_Inbox Feed

Superhuman Inbox

Our AI inbox allows you to stay up-to-date on relevant information & triages the information for your most urgent participation & contribution opportunities.


360º View Dashboard

Our AI dashboard provides web3 professionals with the information needed to better understand what's happening in the DAO on a daily basis.

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Superhuman Notifications

Immediacy is key to success. Our customizable notifications allow you to choose how to get notified: SMS, emails, DMs, daily or hourly notifications, weekly digests, etc. 

ILUMA Perks for DAO Communities

We want to champion the biggest web3 builders, influencers & leading DAO communities. Our NFT collections unlock ILUMA token ownership, premium access to our software, pre-release features, events, DAO partnerships, among other exclusive perks - Stay tuned!

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ILUMA tokens

5% of our total token pool will be distributed among 🍊 members. Genesis NFT holders will receive 15,000 tokens and Non-genesis holders 3,000 tokens.

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Premium Plan

Access to a Premium ILUMA account for 2 years. Includes: 'Superhuman' inbox, Member CRM, Wallet analytics, etc.


Juicy Insights

Curated daily community digest (like Bookface for Orange DAO): the most important information and insights.

Special ILUMA Features

Exclusive access to our most popular features for DAO members such as SMS notifications, twitter digest, and more!

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Access to Exclusive Events

Invitation to private events with the world's best leaders in Web3, monthly 1:1 advisorship program, or upcoming ILUMA official events and workshops. 


Fun Experiences & Giveaways

NFT Art giveaways, partnerships, allow lists for partner community mints, & more.

ILUMA_Install Bot
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